
Speakers' materials

29/05/2024 - 19:55

Have a look at the materials shared by the BELTA Day 2024 speakers.

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BELTA Day 2024

12/05/2024 - 18:43

As we close the book on BELTA Day 2024, we would like to thank you all. Thanks to you all BELTA Day 2024 has been an incredibly engaging and insightful conference.

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Joris De Roy Memorial Grant winners 2024

Joris De Roy Memorial Grant winners 2023

05/05/2024 - 11:19

Traditionally, BELTA Day ends with drawing the names of the Joris De Roy Memorial Grant winners.  And on BELTA Day 2024, it was none other than our previous grant winners Maggy Brusselmans and Vanessa Kint who picked the winners from a large group of applicants. The two lucky delegates of edition 2024 are Jacques Henet and Megan De Rouck.  

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Reflection on BELTA Day 2024

01/05/2024 - 13:23

For Len Van Renterghem, BELTA Day 2024 was his first. Find out in his blog post how he experienced the day.

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Sponsor in the spotlight: Macmillan Education

22/04/2024 - 19:40

On BELTA Day not only speakers and delegates meet in Brussels. We are lucky to be joined every year by many ELT publishers and other organisations that offer services in ELT. They have their stands in the Exhibition Hall, where you can visit them to see the latest materials and ask your questions. We would like to put our sponsor Macmillan Education in the spotlight.

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The main mission of the Belgian English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) is to support English language teachers as they seek to improve and enhance their teaching. Explore the various professional development opportunities found in the BELTA Day and Online Events tabs. Read various teacher's experiences in the ELT classroom in the Blog tab. Then, check out the ways that BELTA supports professional development and how you can help in the PDA Fund tab. In the About section, you can explore more about the structure and story behind BELTA.