Become a BELTA member

Becoming a member of BELTA will connect you with fellow English teaching professionals around Belgium and the world.
You become a BELTA member when you register for a paying BELTA event. Your membership expires on the day registration starts for the next BELTA event, which is usually after about one year.

You are a BELTA member if you paid to attend BELTA Day 2023.

When you pay the registration fee for a BELTA event, you will get

  • Entry to the BELTA event you registered for.
    Our main annual event is BELTA Day, the annual 1-day conference in the spring.

  • The BELTA Newsletter by mail. When you have attended a BELTA event, you will keep receiving the BELTA Newsletter until you unsubscribe.

  • The ability to submit proposals for grants given by BELTA, if you reside in Belgium.

  • A reduced membership fee for the IATEFL membership.

The registration fee for a BELTA event will be mentioned on the relevant event page.
There might be special prices for e.g. students or speakers.

If you cannot attend BELTA events but would like to support BELTA's mission financially, you can donate to BELTA's Professional Development Aid fund.