BELTA Day '19: Meet the Speakers: Mario Lecluyze

The Language of Feedback on Language

Mario Lecluyze
Teacher/Teacher Trainer / Adviser
Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen / VIVES (Torhout)


Room: TBA

Length: 45 minutes

Theme Strand


Providing feedback has become an essential skill in our 21stcentury society. Feedback is all around, in business settings, sports, games, and – of course – in educational contexts. This interactive talk will at first focus on a short theoretical understanding of feedback as a didactic concept, based on research by Hattie and Timperley, and also on various criteria of effective feedback. The main aim however is to provide the attendees with a few practical examples of giving useful feedback to students. The talk will focus on the language of feedback first and will then move on to how teachers can provide feedback on language.


Mario Lecluyze is a teacher of English with over 30 years of experience. Since 2015, he has also been working as an educational adviser for English and CLIL within the umbrella organization Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen. In this context, he was a member of the commission that designed the new English curriculum for the first stage of secondary education. He worked as a teacher trainer (methodology English) and is still a guest lecturer of the postgraduate CLIL at VIVES University College (Torhout). Mario has attended and given workshops on several topics (e.g. his English Teacher Online Toolkit), both in Belgium and abroad. He is also a board member of BELTA.

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