BELTA Day '19: Meet the Speakers: Regina Szuszkiewicz

Games - the Key to Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language Acquisition

Regina Szuszkiewicz
Teacher and REGIPIO founder


Room: TBA

Length: 45 minutes

Theme Strand


Nobody questions that maintaining students' concentration is getting harder and harder. Their attention span is shortening and making them focused has become a skill.

On the other hand, second language acquisition is not possible without students’ involvement and communication. How can this challenge be overcome? The games play an amazing role here. Come and see how you can activate all your students, use grammar in context and effectively develop their fluency. Board Games in ACTION!


Regina Szuszkiewicz, MA in English Philology, a passionate teacher and language games developer. She has always paid attention to students' needs and tried to remove obstacles they might struggle to overcome. The main objective of the games she has created is to facilitate the learning process and make it fun. She has always emphasized the games may enhance language acquisition if they are appropriately used. REGIPIO games help students and teachers in plenty of schools around Europe.

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