Jameson L. DeBose: American English in the Classroom, Online, Everywhere

Presentation focus

Did you know that the Embassy of the United States can be your conduit for free English language resources for students and educators? Come learn more about how you can work with us to enhance the learning experience for you and your students. The facilitator will cover a full range of resources ranging from Massive Open Online Courses and webinars to multimedia tools that can make a difference in your classroom. If that’s not enough, ask about our MeetUS speakers program to have a native speaker visit your classroom!

Why did you choose this topic for your presentation?

We chose this topic to expand our network of English language teachers by sharing the resources we can provide. It is also our hope that the presentation will be an eye-opening experience to develop a dialogue that improves the products we offer.

What do you want participants to take away from your presentation?

We hope that our participants will walk away with ideas to incorporate our free products into their classroom teaching strategies as well as their professional development.