Gemma Webber: The benefits of using technology in large classrooms: Tips to make your life easier

Presentation focus

By sharing my own experiences, in this presentation I am going to talk about how I use technology in, and out of the classroom, in order to facilitate student learning in large classes. I will also talk about how the teachers' workload can be reduced by using easily accessible online tools.

Why have you chosen this topic for your presentation?

Although it may sound odd, I had never really been one to use technology in the classroom up until, more or less, a year ago. My turning point was when I found myself having to teach blended courses in classes of about 30 students. It made me realise how beneficial technology could be and how it can make the whole teaching experience easier.

What do you want participants to take away from your presentation?

We are inundated by new products every day and I would like people to realise that using technology in the classroom is not as complex, nor as 'painful' as it looks. I want to share ideas and tips with the participants so they can go into class with some new ideas to implement without a lot of preparation.

Bio Gemma Webber

Gemma Webber has been an English teacher since 2001 and has worked for a number of private language schools including International House and British Council Milan. Gemma now works as an English teacher at NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti) and Domus Academy in Milan, Italy. Gemma enjoys creating her own materials and is interested in using digital resources in the classroom to facilitate learning.

Twitter: @GemmaELT